Muscle Physiology Review Questions

What are the four primary functions of muscle tissue?

Why are muscles considered excitable?

What is the difference between extensibility and elasticity?

Why do skeletal muscles appear striated? Why are they considered "voluntary?"

Define: muscle, muscle fiber, myofibril, and myofilament.

What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum and what is its function? What is a transverse tubule and what is its function?

Sketch and label a sarcomere.

What parts of the sarcomere change in width during muscle contraction and which don't change?

What are the connective tissue layers associated with muscle?

Z-lines are the boundaries of ____________.

Be able to outline the sequence of events at the neuromuscular junction.

Be able to outline the sequence of events in the sliding filament theory.

What are the roles of myosin, actin, tropomyosin, and troponin?

The head of myosin is also called the ___________ ___________. It functions as an enzyme called ______________ ______________.

What is the difference between an action potential and an endplate potential?

What is acetylcholine esterase? Inhibition of it would cause ________________.

What are the roles of ATP in muscle contraction and relaxation?

What is rigor mortis?

What is the function of creatine phosphate?

What are the four primary sources of ATP production? How do they differ in the speed at which they provide ATP for muscle contraction?

What is oxygen debt? Contrast it with the national debt.

To what is the latent period of muscle contraction due?

Compare slow and the two types of fast-twitch muscles on the bases of color, myosin ATPase activity, resistance to fatigue, metabolic pathways primarily used (aerobic or anaerobic) blood supply, and myoglobin concentration.

What controls whether a muscle cell becomes fast or slow twitch?

To what extent can a person be a "born" or "made" sprinter? long distance runner?

What is the difference between isotonic and isometric contractions?

Define: treppe, summation, incomplete tetanus, and complete tetanus.

What is the function of myoglobin?

How do heat and lactic acid influence muscle physiology?

What are the effects of endurance training on muscle physiology?

How do curare, cobra venom and "nerve gas", (e.g., Sarin) affect muscle contraction?

What is the relationship between "dystrophin" and Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

What is disuse atrophy? What is sarcopenia?

What is the basis of muscle hypertrophy? What muscle type can undergo hyperplasia?

Cardiac muscle fibers are more like slow twitch fibers than fast twitch fibers. Explain.

What is calmodulin?