- Leaves ferny; low shrub with mint odor
California sagebrush
- Leaves not ferny; taller shrub with no mint odor
- Leaves small, spatula shaped; shrub in drier areas
Coyote brush
- Leaves lance shaped; shrub along streams
Red willow
- Tall, tree-like shrub. Flowers trumpet shaped
Tree tobacco
- Shrub less than 10 feet high. Flowers not trumpet-shaped
- Flowers more than 2 inches across, sunflower-like
Canyon sunflower
California sunflower
- Flowers less than 2 inches across
- Taller shrub 3 to 7 feet high
- Low shrub, 1 to 2 feet high
- Leaves in 3's, flowers single or in small clusters
- Leaves not in 3's; flowers in large clusters
Golden yarrow