What's that plant?
Flowers Blue, Lavender, or Purple
Plant of grassy fields, sometimes abundant
Leaves at base, only. No leaves on flowering stem
Wild hyacinth
Leaves on main stem
Flowers in dense clusters
Flowers blue
Arroyo lupine
Flowers purplish, dangling
Winter vetch
Flowers occurring singly
Wild radish
Plant of semi-shaded areas, as along edge of trails
Stems or leaves with sharp spines; thistles
Leaves with white mottling
Milk thistle
Leaves not white mottled
Leaves and stems with numerous spines
Italian thistle
Leaves spiny, stems sparingly so
Bull thistle
Stems and leaves without sharp spines
Petals fused at base -- not all separate
Stems with short, bristly hairs
Flower cluster a tight fiddle-like coil
Caterpillar phacelia
Flower cluster more open; stems weak and straggly
Fiesta flower
Stems without bristly hairs
Flowers with a small tail or spur
Flowers without a spur
Foothill penstemon
Petals separate
4 petals
Petals narrower toward center of flower
Elegant clarkia
Petals wedge shaped, not narrower at center
Purple clarkia
6 petals
Blue-eyed grass
What's that plant?