- Shrub with orange glands, coloring hands yellow
Dotted dalea
Dye bush
- Shrub without orange glands
- Low shrub; 1 to 2 fee high
- Leaves with a mint odor, if crushed
Purple desert sage
- Leaves without minty odor
- Shrub 4 to 12 inches high; flowers tiny, purple
- Taller shrub; 1 to 2 feet high; flowers red-purple
White ratany
- Taller shrub; more than 2 feet high
- Leaves opposite each other
- Flowers lavender; leaves with minty odor
Desert lavender
- Flowers purple-white; fruits like small papery bags
Paperbag bush
Indigo bush
- Thorny shrub with red berries; leaves small
Anderson's desert thorn
- Shrub without thorns; leaves 2 to 6 inches long
Yerba santa