Flashlight 2.0 Survey Application is "Taking Hold"

Volume 4, No. 8

Flashlight 2.0 made its debut at Cal Lutheran on April 1. Two training classes focusing on this new online survey application have been conducted, and some users already are constructing and circulating surveys. This Tech Byte issue serves to remind all CLU employees and students that they can create an account and start using the application right away. More classes will be on the schedule in May; however, anyone wishing assistance sooner may contact the Computer Training Department via email or by telephone at (805) 493-3368.

Following are the links to get started on your own. Note: Firefox is the recommended browser.
1. First, create a Flashlight 2.0 account:
• Access the following site and click the Start Here button to create an account. Bookmark the site at this URL and return there each time to log in to Flashlight 2.0: https://skylight.wsu.edu/Auth/IntegratedSignOn.aspx?ret==
2. Second, access the step by step instructions to create surveys at the following site: http://wiki.wsu.edu/skylightwiki/Main_Page

Account holders are reminded again that surveys and respondent data created in the previous version of Flashlight may be retrieved until April 30, 2010; sign in with the earlier Flashlight version ID and password at: http://ctlsilhouette.ctlt.wsu.edu/CTLSilhouette2_5/

This Issue’s Techno Term:
Term:  bandwidth
Definition: refers to how much data can be transmitted through a network or modem connection; usually measured in bits per second (bps); the more bandwidth, the more information that can be transferred within a given amount of time
Example in a sentence:   Downloading large volumes of music and image files can usurp a large amount of bandwidth.
Source: http://www.techterms.com/definition/bandwidth

If you have questions or need assistance, please call the Help Desk at (805) 493-3698 or send e-mail to helpdesk@callutheran.edu
Additional information is available at the Computer Training Website; in addition, an archive of previous Tech Bytes issues is located at http://www.callutheran.edu/iss/training/tech_bytes/
