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Group-led discussions in Biol 21

Group A
Barmach, Foran, Katra, Werner, Somple

Group D
Denison, Huigens, Leslie, Ward

Group B
Bowles, Hamilton, Kozak, Nickerson, Temple

Group E
Downs, Ingram, Lynn, Schell, Mehlhop

Group C
Boyce, Hapiak, Landy, Peterson, Venhoff


Information on group and class participation:
  • All members of the group must meet at least once, together, prior to that group's presentation. This meeting should occur after each member has studied the assigned paper/s on his/her own. A spirit of collegiality and camaraderie should be fostered by all members.
  • All members of the group must participate in designing an approach to lead discussion on the material.
  • All members of the group must participate in class in leading the discussion.
  • Each member of agroup must turn in a 1 paragraph assessment of their contribution to the preparation and conducting of the in-class discussion. This is due on the Monday following their group's discussion.
  • All members of the class are expected to have carefully read the assigned paper/s and are expected to be able to contribute to the class discussion.
Information on group led discussions:
  • The discussion should be aimed at involving the class, although you may wish to start with a brief presentation of background material and interject lecture material as needed.
  • The discussion should be designed to highlight the experimental approaches of the study. If your group wishes to project data via the computer, DM can help you prepare your projections with POWERPOINT.

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