Movies of Development

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Drosophila gastrulation (lateral view): morphed SEM images This movie shows a lateral view of gastrulation. Scanning electron micrographs were morphed by
Jeff Giacoletti and Chris Macri and the movie was downloaded from
Drosophila gastrulation (lateral view): morphed drawings This movie shows a lateral view of gastrulation. Drawings were morphed by Jeff Giacoletti and Chris Macri and the movie was downloaded from Flybase.
Drosophila cleavage stage embryo mitotic spindles visualized by a Ncd-GFP fusion protein This movie, produced in the laboratory of Sharon Endow, uses Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) to tag the Ncd microtubule motor protein that is associated with mitotic spindles in Drosophila melanogaster. Several rounds of mitoses in a cleavage stage syncytial embryo can be seen. Note that the mitoses occur in "waves" that move toward the central portion of the embryo. The spindles appear and disappear as the embryonic nuclei cycle through rapid mitoses.
Nuclei in Drosophila gastrulation visualized by a nuclear localization signal-GFP fusion protein This movie, from the Ilan Davis lab, uses a GFP-Nuclear Localization Signal fusion to tag nuclei in a Drosophila melanogaster gastrula. The movements associated with germ band extension can be seen clearly. Also note the invagination of the posterior midgut, carrying the pole cells into the interior.

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