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Bio 21 WWW Project Page

Due Dates



This assignment affords you an opportunity to delve into a particular developmental biology topic in great detail. You are expected to become an expert on an approved topic of your choice and to communicate your expertise to an advanced undergraduate audience of your peers. Your communication will be in the form of a website, taking advantage of the hypertextual format of the web to provide relevant images, movies, and WWW links for your viewers.



In the course of preparing your site, you are expected to conduct a thorough literature search for relevant material. It is important that you include research data in your presentation, and you are expected to gain access to literature through the Olin Library, interlibrary loan, or trips to OSU if needed. You are also expected to conduct thorough searches of the WWW for relevant information (also see the "linked resources" section of the Biol 21 online syllabus). All references must be cited in the body of the project, and a reference page that includes all literature and websites used must be provided. All images must be appropriately credited. You are encouraged to make your own diagrammatic images using POWERPOINT or other graphics programs. DM will provide you with help scanning images and preparing graphics as needed.



This project counts as 10% of your grade, and possibly 20%: if your project grade is better than your worst quiz grade, the project grade will substitute for the quiz grade.

The following criteria are used for assigning grades for the WWW project. 

  • "A- to A+": "A" projects will demonstrate excellent comprehension of material by lucid explanation, critical analysis, and thorough integration of concepts. "A" projects will have few, if any, grammatical or spelling errors, and will be very well-written. "A" projects will provide viewers a view of the cutting edge of research progress in a particular area. "A" projects will supplement lucid explanation with explanatory visual aids.
  • "B- to B+": "B" projects will show good to very good comprehension of material and good, but not excellent, integration of concepts and analysis. "B" projects will be well written, but might not have the sparkle of "A" work. "B" work is considered good work in this class. 
  • "C- to C+": "C" work is of average to fair caliber, needing improvement in writing style, comprehension, and integration of concepts to be considered "good". "C" work demonstrates partial understanding of important concepts. 
  • "D" and "F" work is poorly to very poorly written, and/or shows little to no understanding of concepts.
E-mail DM @ "marcey" to sign up for one of the following time slots to discuss projects (week of March 22)

Mon., 3/22
: 2:00_____; 2:30_____; 3:00_____;
3:30-Downs; 4:00-Temple

Tue., 3/23:
11:00-Bowles; 11:30-Foran; 2:00_____; 2:30_____; 3:00-Venhoff; 4:00_____

Wed., 3/24:
11:00-Katra; 11:30-Peterson; 2:00-Boyce; 2:30-Kozak; 3:00-Lynn; 3:30-Barmach; 4:00-Dennison

Thu., 3/25: 2:00-Leslie; 2:30-Werner; 3:00-Schell; 3:30-Somple; 4:00-Ward

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