Wildflowers of Southern California: A photographic gallery
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Flowers Lavender, Blue, Purple

  • Flowers large, sunflower-like; lavender rays; yellow centers
Mojave aster
  • Flowers not sunflower-like
  • Low tufted plants, less than 2 and 1/2 inches high
  • Leaves prickly
  • Flowers regular; all petals the same
  • Flowers lavender with darker spots
Lilac sunbonnet
  • Flowers lavender withough spots
Bristly langloisia
  • Flowers slightly irregular; not all petals the same
Desert calico
  • Leaves not prickly
  • Flowers red-purple; often forming mats
Purple mat
  • Flowers dark blue, lavender, or white
  • Plants more than 2 and 1/2 inches high
  • Flowers large, bell-shaped; up to 1 and 1/4 inches long
Wild canterbury bell
  • Flowers not bell-shaped
  • Leaves or bracts under flower clusters prickly
  • Both leaves and bracts spiny; plant white woolly
Thistle sage
  • Only bracts under flowers prickly
  • Flowers pale blue; leaves on main stem
  • Flowers dark blue; leaves only at the base
  • Plants not spiny or prickly
  • Flowers in a coiled cluster like a fiddle
Heliotrope phacelia
  • Flowers scattered on the stem
Broad-flowered gilia
  • Flowers in a straight elongate cluster
  • Flowers irregular; like a pea flower
  • Leaves white woolly
Borrego milkvetch
  • Leaves not wooly
Arizona lupine
  • Flowers with a short spur or tail
Desert larkspur

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