Festival of Scholars

An annual celebration of research, scholarship, and creativity

April 27 - May 1, 2015

Advanced Cinema Production: Student Work in Progress

Date: Monday, April 27, 2015
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Preus-Brandt Forum

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Student Abstracts at this Session

Evan Engel

Faculty Mentor:
Mr. David Grannis
Through His Eyes

“Through His Eyes” is mysterious, thrilling short film about a student who experiences flash visions where he loses his sight and begins seeing through the eyes of a serial murderer.  This film is about using your intuition and courage to face a terrifying situation that you’re unable to escape until it’s resolved.  After growing up an orphan and making his way to college, Randy Stevens thought his toughest life obstacles were in the past. Once he realizes the person whose eyes he’s seeing through is coming after him, Randy must take things into his own hands.  The challenge of creating “Through His Eyes” involved using different cameras, effects, and props all while maintaining a minimal budget. This picture was completed thanks to the hardworking team of student filmmakers. 

Keegan Guy

Faculty Mentor:
Mr. David Grannis
Dream Girl

Dream Girl is a short romantic comedy about Reve, who has always had trouble with the ladies. Things change when Reve meets the girl of his dreams, Alex, only this time the girl wants him. Reve and Alex go on a wild journey that might be too good to be true. This film was inspired by all the struggles that are the dating world. Lack of confidence is an issue for many people, especially when trying to court the opposite sex. The short strives to capture the character transformation of Reve and exemplifies the fact that everyone has the power within them to be the person they are supposed to be or want to be. Dream Girl employed the use of independent, low-budget filmmaking techniques and gave students an intimate look at the process of making a movie.

Michael Nicholson

Faculty Mentor:
Mr. David Grannis
Among the Living (Short Film)

A father and husband-turned skillful and confident hitman, following the death of his wife and kids, learns that he is not invincible, and that death is his only key to feel human again. Surprisingly, this project began as infant thoughts inspired while listening to a hip-hop song, but it soon flourished into a larger reflection of life. "Among the Living' is not a film about the death of a hitman, but a narrative on how deep human loss can lead to the hollowness of a mere corpse. Only sacrifice is possible to feel alive again.