Festival of Scholars

An annual celebration of research, scholarship, and creativity

April 27 - May 1, 2015

Experiential Learning in Criminal Justice: Faculty and Student Panel

Date: Thursday, April 30, 2015
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Location: Ullman Commons 100
Description: This panel session showcases students engaged in various forms of experiential learning in Criminal Justice. The student presentations include highlights and experiences emerging from their internships, course field trips, applied research activities, and service learning courses. All are welcome!

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Student Abstracts at this Session

Molly George
and Dr. Robert Meadows, Dr. Helen Lim; Dr. Schannae Lucas, and Selected Criminal Justice Majors

Faculty Mentor:
Molly George
Experiential Learning in Criminal Justice Faculty/Student Panel

This presentation will focus on a variety of experiential learning opportunities (ELO’s) that have been used in the Criminal Justice department at Cal Lutheran University. Faculty members and select undergraduate majors will describe how the department's curriculum integrates a range of ELO's, including: internships, field trips, service-learning, and research projects. Our goal is to combine the academic rigors of traditional, classroom-based learning with exposure to hands-on, real-world, subject-based knowledge. We explain the multi-stage framework that is used to tie all of our ELO’s together across the department. ELO's offer significant academic and professional benefits for students as indicated by positive student feedback, including results from senior and alumni surveys.