We know you learn best when you can roll up your sleeves and dive in. That's why we offer hands-on opportunities that give you the freedom to explore your passion through real-world work and prepare for a fulfilling career.

Academic Programs

Choosing the right major starts with a simple question: What are you passionate about?

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University Honors Program

If you're ready for an academic challenge worthy of your ambition, look no further.

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Our Faculty

Our professors are invested in your personal and academic success from day one.

Meet our Faculty
Engage the world with integrity.

We cultivate a liberal arts learning environment that is student-centered, welcoming, and inclusive. We encourage students, faculty, and staff to explore and expand knowledge and to contribute their talents and abilities to fully engage their communities and world with integrity.​

The Cal Lutheran Experience

English major photo of student or faculty

Ideas have a life. When the life of ideas connects to the individual lives and experiences of students, I remember that ideas aren’t just abstractions. To remember that is to remember why I got into this business in the first place.

Bryan Rasmussen
Associate Professor
Political Science
Political Science major photo of student or faculty

I want to teach and show students by example that Political Science is not only an academic discipline but also a field that can equip them with knowledge and skills that can have public impact outside the classroom and beyond their college experience.

Haco Hoang
Theatre Arts
Theatre Arts major photo of student or faculty

My scholarship and creative work as a director and playwright helps to bring my students into close contact with the world of professional theatre. They can then make informed choices about whether they wish to pursue their own theatrical ambitions.

Michael Arndt
