Letter to the Editor

Let me express my compliments on CLU Magazine. It's an absolutely first-rate publication.

Here at NAICU each week, we receive literally dozens of magazines from our nearly 1,000 member colleges and universities. Few do as successful a job as the CLU Magazine team does in executing all of the facets that contribute to a quality publication — solid writing and editing; creative design; a well-thought-out structure; imaginative feature layouts, typography, and graphics; and high-end paper and printing.

As someone who has spent much of his career both producing and consulting on college and university publications, plus serving as a judge for publications awards through the years, I appreciate the imagination, coordination, and just plain hard work that goes into these critically important communications efforts.

My congratulations on an outstanding magazine.

Roland King, APR, Fellow PRSA
Vice President for Public Affairs
National Association of Independent
Colleges and Universities
Washington, D.C.